National Productivity Week 27th January 2025 | Visit Website

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Mechanisms of metagovernance as structural challenges to Levelling Up in England

At the time of writing, the UK government is attempting to tackle place-based inequality through its ‘Levelling Up’ agenda. To be effective, such interventions require local institutions with the capacity, powers, and budgets to develop and implement long-term strategies. Multi-level metagovernance, the ongoing reorganisation of local governance systems by the central state, has become a salient political process in England, characterised by fragmented system design, distorted local strategies, micromanagement and mistrustful central–local relations. These various problems are underpinned by a problematic combination of quasi-markets and state hierarchy. Together, these metagovernance mechanisms significantly constrain local capacity to deliver economic development.

Authors Jack Newman, Simon Collinson, Nigel Driffield, Nigel Gilbert, Charlotte Hoole


  • Institutions & Governance





Jack Newman, Simon Collinson, Nigel Driffield, Nigel Gilbert & Charlotte Hoole (2023) Mechanisms of metagovernance as structural challenges to levelling up in England, Regional Studies