National Productivity Week 27th January 2025 | Visit Website

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We’re a UK-wide research organisation exploring what productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving the UK’s productivity problems.

Productivity Through People: New Opportunities for CHROs

Productivity is achieved by optimally using resources to effect better outcomes for people, firms, and the economy. However, for almost two decades, measured productivity growth has been persistently weak in Europe and other advanced economies. As the workplace transforms, Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) have new opportunities to activate six specific people-based levers to spur productivity and bring their insights to the C-Suite to contribute to a more strategic discussion on productivity. These are:

  • Skills building;
  • High-quality leadership and management;
  • Transformative work design (increasingly enabled through technology adoption and artificial intelligence);
  • Organisational agility and resilience;
  • Diversity; and
  • Worker well-being and engagement.

 Find out more in the report, which is part of The Productivity Institute’s Strategic Productivity series and was produced in partnership with The Conference Board, a global, non-profit think tank and business membership organisation based in New York City.

 Authors: Bart van Ark (The Productivity Institute), Marion Devine (The Conference Board)


  • Human Capital




B. van Ark, M. Devine (2024) Productivity Through People: New Opportunities for CHROs, a joint report from The Productivity Institute and The Conference Board
