Productivity Research Conference  4th – 5th September 2025 Find out more

A diverse community of leading experts, policymakers and practitioners

The Institute’s key research themes are led by ten academic partners spread across the UK.

Working closely with policymakers

We’re a UK-wide research organisation exploring what productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving the UK’s productivity problems.

Artificial intelligence and productivity: an intangible assets approach

Can artificial intelligence (AI) raise productivity? If we regard AI as a combination of software, hardware, and database use, then it can be modelled as a combination of the deployment of intangible and tangible assets. Since some are measured and some are not, then conventional productivity analysis might miss the contribution of AI. We set out whether there is any evidence to support this view.

This paper was published in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 37, Issue 3, Autumn 2021, Pages 435–458.

Authors Carol Corrado, Jonathan Haskel, Cecilia Jona-Lasinio


  • Knowledge Capital




C. Corrado, J. Haskel, C. Jona-Lasinio Artificial intelligence and productivity: an intangible assets approach,
