Workshop on productivity and structural change: Day 2
Join us, the Bank of England, The MMF Society and our partner NIESR at a two-day blended workshop hosted by the Bank of England. The theme is productivity and structural change, one of the The Productivity Institute’s themes and also closely related to an area in the BoE’s Research Agenda.
Physical participation will be limited but the event will be run as a blended event with online interactive participation. Final details and arrangements for registration will be announced soon.
09:00: Introduction Day 2
09:05: Ippei Fujiwara (Keio University) Measuring robot quality: Has quality improvement slowed down?
Discussant: Sandra Batten (BoE)
09:50: Luca Fornaro (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Monetary policy in the age of automation.
Discussant: Łukasz Rachel (Princeton and UCL)
10:35: Zafer Kanik (University of Glasgow). How automation that substitutes for labor affects production networks, growth, and income inequality.
Discussant: Vasco Carvalho (Cambridge, TPI)
11:20: Break
11:40: Keynote address – John Fernald (INSEAD and FRBSF) – Productivity growth after the pandemic
12:40: Overview – Jagjit Chadha (IESR and TPI)
12:55: Concluding remarks and thanks Simon Price (MMF)
The full programme can be found on the event website.