Productivity Research Conference  4th – 5th September 2025 Find out more

A diverse community of leading experts, policymakers and practitioners

The Institute’s key research themes are led by ten academic partners spread across the UK.

Working closely with policymakers

We’re a UK-wide research organisation exploring what productivity means for business

Businesses are crucial to solving the UK’s productivity problems.

Wales Productivity Forum National Productivity Week event

Productivity in Wales: in search of a miracle?

Business productivity growth is essential to creating prosperity that allows workers to enjoy improvements in their standard of living and to the achievement of the wider wellbeing objectives of society. Productivity is driven, among other things, by innovation, skills, good management practices, public infrastructure and private investment decisions. However, the UK has one of highest levels of productivity dispersion in the OECD across its devolved nations and regions, with Wales sitting at or very close to the bottom of the ranking. This Breakfast Briefing, which forms part of The Productivity Institute’s National Productivity Week, will explore the huge Welsh productivity challenge and assess the potential for future improvements. It will assess the extent to which solutions lie in the hands of businesses in Wales and Welsh business support and economic development policy, and whether UK levelling-up strategies are up to the scale of the task.

The Breakfast Briefing will be chaired by Professor Andrew Henley, Wales lead for the Productivity Institute and its Wales Productivity Forum. It will hear from the Office for National Statistics on the current scale of the productivity gap and will hear from panellists from the public and private sectors in their assessment.

Cynhyrchiant yng Nghymru – ar drywydd gwyrth?

Mae twf cynhyrchiant busnes yn hanfodol i greu ffyniant sy’n galluogi gweithwyr i fwynhau gwelliannau yn eu safon byw ac i gyflawni amcanion llesiant ehangach y gymdeithas. Mae cynhyrchiant yn cael ei ysgogi, ymhlith pethau eraill, gan arloesi, sgiliau, arferion rheoli da, seilwaith cyhoeddus a phenderfyniadau buddsoddi preifat. Fodd bynnag, mae gan y DU un o’r lefelau uchaf o wasgariad cynhyrchiant yn yr OECD ar draws y gwledydd a’r rhanbarthau datganoledig, gyda Chymru wedi’i lleoli ar y gwaelod neu’n agos iawn ato. Bydd y Sesiwn Hysbysu dros Frecwast hwn, sy’n rhan o Wythnos Gynhyrchiant Genedlaethol y Sefydliad Cynhyrchiant, yn archwilio her enfawr cynhyrchiant Cymru ac yn asesu’r potensial ar gyfer gwelliannau yn y dyfodol.

Bydd y Sesiwn Hysbysu yn cael ei gadeirio gan yr Athro Andrew Henley, arweinydd Cymru ar gyfer y Sefydliad Cynhyrchiant a Fforwm Cynhyrchiant Cymru. Bydd yn clywed gan y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol ar raddfa bresennol y bwlch cynhyrchiant a bydd yn clywed gan banelwyr o’r sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat yn eu hasesiad.


Postgraduate Teaching Centre, Cardiff Business School


  • 1 December 2023


  • 8:30 am - 9:30 am